Turf And Lawn Care In Sarasota FL

Turf And Lawn Care In Sarasota FL

The year round heat, dry conditions, rainy summers and poor sandy soil of Sarasota makes keeping large areas of grass and turf healthy difficult. There are many types of grass that can be grown which makes it difficult to choose. On Top of that, South-West Florida has many problems such as pests, diseases, and invasive species which can infest your turf and ruin it. This adds many considerations while planting grass. Florida’s climate is disease ridden and hot there are also issues regarding the proper amount of irrigation and shade. For more information regarding Florida’s complex landscaping situation contact GreenTech Tree and Landscape.

Deciding On Turf

Most people think of lawns as covered by grass, but the industry term customarily used is “turf.” There are a variety of different types of turf to go with, so if you’re someone who is building a home or wants to change the landscape of your current one, among the decisions that will have to be made is what kind of turf to use for your lawn.

Some of the most popular turf choices are the following:

St. Augustine

This is a long, leafy grass choice, and for people with trees, hedges, or other structures on their property, one big bonus of this grass is that it does well in the shade. This grass is a bit delicate with lower temperatures, however, and depending on what happens during the winter, it may go dormant and discolor.

Bermuda Grass

This is often the type of grass people imagine when they think about lawns or, especially in southern states like Florida and Georgia, golf courses. It’s a grass with better drought tolerance, so it requires less frequent watering than others. However, it has poor shade tolerance and can discolor during winter months.

Centipede Grass

If you don’t like mowing the lawn often, you may want to consider this grass. Centipede grass is a slower growing grass, so you don’t have to worry about trimming it frequently, and it has some shade tolerance. However, it’s a delicate grass too, so it responds poorly to wear and requires a lot of iron. It can also brown in the winter.

Zoysia Grass

This grass is adaptable as long as you don’t mind a more robust, denser turf. It has respectable heat and drought tolerance, and it also has a better tolerance to lower temperatures than warm weather grasses. It can still go dormant and brown during the winter months, depending on the temperature conditions.

Bahia Grass

This is a tough grass. It is coarse, has good tolerance to drought, can do just fine in the shade, and is more durable against wear. It also has one of the best tendencies to remain green during the winter months. However, it generates a lot of seed heads, which can impact its look.

Once you have decided on the kind of turf you want and it has been transplanted to your property, you’ll need to take care of it. While you can hire professionals to do that for you, you can still manage it yourself if you don’t have the budget for it.

For each season, turf has different requirements as precipitation and temperature change. While various grasses have varying levels of tolerance to lack of water and temperature, there are a few things you should be doing throughout the year to keep your lawn healthy.

Spring Care

Water the lawn regularly and, because of the time of year, consider leaving the clippings on the turf when trimming it. The natural decay of the clippings will act as fertilizer. However, it would help if you also kept an eye out for weeds attempting to grow alongside your grass.

Summer Care

The biggest concern during the summer season is water stress. All vegetation requires water, but the amount of water it needs to survive and the amount necessary for it to be green and healthy differ. Different grasses will have different tolerance levels for drought before water stress becomes visible.

Try to use at least an inch of water, and ramp this up as temperatures increase. It’s essential, however, to control these water restrictions and take into account the water stress tolerance of your grass.

Autumn Care

Once the temperature decreases, the grass growth rate will slow down. This means that you can water and mow the lawn less frequently. If you’re using an automated sprinkler system, now is also the time to revise your schedule to avoid over-irrigating and paying higher water bills than necessary.

Winter Care

If you have warm weather grass, growth will slow drastically at this point. Depending on how low the temperature gets, dormancy and discoloration may also become issues. The reduced growth may present an opportunity for winter weeds, so be vigilant for those at this time.

Threats To Your Turf

Even with regular maintenance, there are still things beyond your control that can put the health of your grass at risk. For example, if your grass is a warm-weather plant and has poor tolerance for lower temperatures, then unless you take extraordinary measures such as heating your entire landscape, there is little you can do to prevent discoloration and dormancy from occurring during sustained cold periods.

Temperature, however, is not the only threat. Three major environmental factors can pose a risk to your grass.

Lawn Insects

As with other organisms, some insects are predators, feeding on other insects. Still, there are insects that are omnivorous, which means they feed on plants. While insects are a natural part of the ecosystem, most carefully trimmed lawns are not, and they can visibly suffer when a certain number of insects decide your lawn is their next meal. Some insects homeowners should be on the lookout for are:

Mole Crickets

These eat the roots and stay mostly underground, so they can kill a lot of grass and damage the soil as well.

Sod Webworms And Armyworms

These can be found in the grass in the summer, so keep an eye out for them. Their larvae look similar to those of caterpillars and are laid by moths.

Chinch Bugs

Probably the most significant threat, particularly to St. Augustine grass, these tiny bugs are challenging to spot, and they can discolor grass quickly.

Turf Diseases

Grass can get sick, and while that can be the result of fungal invasion, some diseases are a genuine risk. A few of the common ones are:

Mosaic Disease

Another condition to which St. Augustine grass is vulnerable, this discolors and eventually kills grass. It originates from sugar cane.

Take-All Root Rot

This is the result of a fungal invasion. It affects warm-weather turf, making it particularly risky for Florida grasses.

Brown Patch Disease

As the name implies, this is a brown patch, but a fungus causes it.

Lawn Weeds

Weeds will grow in the same environment as grass, so you need to make sure that the weed population doesn’t get out of control. Some common weeds include:

Dollar Weed

This is a broadleaf weed that stands apart from grass and is easy to spot.


This is a type of grass, making it a competitor for the grass you’ve planted

Bermuda Grass

This is another type of grass that can attempt to displace the grass you’ve planted.

If you don’t remove weeds early, they can proliferate. A professional may be required to remove them once they have become widespread.

What To Expect From A Top Tree Service Company

What To Expect From A Top Tree Service Company

Expert Trimming and Pruning Trees

Trees are pruned for aesthetics, tree health, controlling growth, and safety. You want trees that are a beautiful enhancement to your property and fit in with your landscape, not wild and invasive obstructing or endangering structures. That’s why a trained Arborist will use pruning and trimming to keep your trees at their best. Pruning is selectively removing certain parts of a plant, Trimming is changing the look of a plant for the purposes of aesthetics like trimming a bush until it looks like a shape.

While you could trim your own small trees after your trees and palms reach a larger size it becomes too dangerous for most people . Just like with a lot of things hiring professional is the way to go.  A certified arborist will follow ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) standards and adhere to the Arborist code of ethics. Additionally different species of trees require different techniques in pruning. Pruning back trees incorrectly can cause damage to the tree, and open the door to other problems like infections or insect problems so before attempting to prune your large trees contact a certified arborist.

Removing Trees and Creating Clearance For Structures

Over time trees can become over grown for the space and become a living obstacle threatening structures. It’s especially important to hire a certified arborist for the removing or cutting back large trees, branches and invasive roots, for the purposes of protecting buildings. Close proximity to structures will complicate removing large trees and branches.

While removing trees there are many things to consider including:

  • Trees prone to fall in a certain direction or leaning towards the ground.
  • Managing the risk of broken, dead, or even weak branches.
  • Clearing space for roofs and power lines.
  • Making sure the tree makes fruit if it does grow it.
  • Improving the aesthetic or physical structure of the tree and finally saving a Storm-damaged tree.

It’s important to be environmentally conscious – trees offer shade, oxygen, windbreaks and habitat for wild life, as such removing tree removal should be a last resort .

Bracing Newly Installed And Damaged Large Trees

Newly planted large trees and palms often require bracing to keep the tree upright even during storms and prevent a newly installed tree from threatening people and property. Other reasons for bracing can be to solve problems such as that can arise with long, heavy, or overextending limbs other problems such as v-crotches like two tops growing off the main trunk which may also require bracing. Structural defects like that will eventually lead to failures in many parts and even lead to property damage and personal injury. While dealing with these problems support systems such as bracing and cabling are necessary to prevent damage of injuring while manipulating tree branches. Consulting specialists like ISA compliant professionals are perfect for this kind of task as hardware support systems like steel, synthetic cables, and stalking and guying systems must be replaced in the event of weather and other conditions.

Planting & Installing Large Trees and Shrubs

While small saplings are easy to plant, large adult Trees and large shrubs  are heavy requiring large equipment such as cranes and trucks to maneuver into place.  If the operators mishandling them or drop them it will cause stress and sever the delicate roots carrying nutrients and water also possibly damaging property.

Many other considerations need to be taken when deciding to plant a tree, such as zoning and neighborhood associations in Sarasota have rules in regards to what and where plants are allowed to go. Before work can be carried out it should be noted that underground utility lines and the latter need to be marked thankfully that service will be provided to those who need it by simply calling 811. This should save both our professionals and you of having any nasty surprises.

Proper planning for installing large trees and palms requires that distance from buildings and overhead wires or existing landscape are taken into account. We will provide help and evaluate the previously noted fact to ensure the survival and well being of any shrub in Sarasota. The time of year you plant is extremely important and will have a huge impact on the well being of your tree. Our professionals will ensure that the spot where we plant has the right sunlight and soil conditions for your needs. The best time to plant anything is fall or early spring, in Sarasota however they can be planted during winter. While transplanting one there are many variables that must be considered in order to ensure a long and healthy life for your plants. Our Qualified Team of Professionals who are Skilled Sarasota arborists will assess the maturity and also the variety of the trees as well as their locations to ensure that it’s the right place for it to grow and thrive.

Once a shrub has been planted the experts will advise and assist you in the ongoing maintenance to ensure you get the most value from it. For most losses over or under-watering is the culprit. Soil conditions are essential as is the amount of rainfall the plant experiences. Consulting one of our qualified team members is a great way to know of the perfect watering schedule and equipment. Mulching is important for protecting the trunk from damage as well as ensuring soil moisture, nutrition, and temperature. Transplanted Trees will behave differently to new ones so be sure to ask us whenever fertilizer or a root stimulator is the right option for you. Another factor to consider is insect control which is important to protect the trees and keep an eye out for burrowing insects, oozing sap, and ants. Our staff will be more than happy to answer any questions and provide suggestions.

Storm and Hurricane Tree Damage Clean Up & Recovery

When a storm comes up it’s always important to clear the debris but doing it can be dangerous and as always you should consult a professional. As professionals, we can safely eliminate any danger, and provide care to trees that can be saved and return the client’s lawn to its former glory. After a storm or natural disaster such as a hurricane, many people try to make a quick buck off your suffering. It’s important to exercise caution and speak only to certified arborists who are compliant with ANSI guidelines who have adequate equipment and insurance to work safely and efficiently.

Our team of qualified professionals will take down any dead or hazardous limbs and try our best to save them if possible. Our team will provide for pruning damaged trees to support the structure and element the risk of falling. Arborists will make sure that all the damaged branches are taken care of and that no branches can be dislodged and hurt people and property.

It’s absolutely critical that when a storm passes, some storms even can uproot underground utilities or collide with overhead power lines. When combined with flooding it can be dangerous and you should contact us straight away.

Reasons for Professional Storm Clean Up assistance include:

  •  Safely removing fallen trees and limbs, removing stumps.
  •  Managing risk to people and property.
  •  Removing hanging branches that could fall on people.

Demossing Trees & Cleaning Up Trunks

At first demossing may seem like simple work but there are in fact risks associated with conducting this practice yourself. It’s highly recommended to hire an arborist when demossing. The big risk here is damaging the tree while removing spanish moss or tillandsia usneoides which are found on trees in Sarasota. Our team of qualified professionals will ensure that demossing does not be rid of any essential foliage. Partially removing is safer for the tree than removing all of it and will ensure foliage remains intact and keep the leaf population safe.

We are team will demoss it by hand rather than spraying sodium bicarbonate. This is because we don’t want the moss to fall to the ground and expose deadwood if not pruned properly. It’s hard to tell when there is too much moss so talk to us so beforehand and to wait for more severe moss build up. It has been claimed that 30%-60% of a Tree’s foliage can be destroyed if demossing is not done properly. As always hire a qualified professional to care for it in a responsible manner that minimizes risk to the plants.

Tree Health Evaluations and Tree Risk Assessment:

  • While surveying trees the following are assessed identification through species, location, and diameter.
  • What’s the local topography, soil conditions, and weather as well as climate in the planting site.
  • Health is also monitored as well as load factors for wind exposure, size as well as defects and risk categorization.

When deciding whether to remove or know the health of a tree a certified arborist in Sarasota can conduct an evaluation and risk assessment for your Tree. Get a solid evaluation and call one of our professional Sarasota-based arborists today.